Creative: Rivers Protests Inequality By Throwing To All Colors Of Jersey
While several players decided to promote unity by kneeling or joining arms during the national anthem, Philip Rivers did so by throwing the ball to all colors of jersey.
“I don’t care whether you’re white, black, chief, charger, whatever,” explained Rivers. “We’re all human, and we all deserve a chance at the ball.”
“For too long I’ve seen corners and safeties in this league face discrimination from quarterbacks,” he added. “The least I can do is throw a few lobs in their direction.”
In an inspiring performance, Rivers threw three picks in the first half alone. Many Chargers fans were seen in tears after the courageous display.
“It’s important to acknowledge that I lack the perspective of those in the secondary,” Rivers noted. “Recently, I've been trying to ask them what it’s like to play against me.”
“So far, they’ve all said it’s pretty great.”